DLO rehearsal space has floated many times over the years. Currently, they rehearse at a nice cozy space in the mall.
Growing up, all shows rehearsed at what is now the scene shop.
One of my first demands (ha!) taking on this project - no rehearsals at the mall. Back to the wonderful gritty, dirty space (the scene shop) where our peasant feast and gathering took place today.
It's great to be home.
While no one touched my hot dog bun, tomato sauce and Italian blend cheese pizzas (most opted for the fruit pizza...present company included) the platform of our community started to emerge. Pretty amazing how a little food, like-minded individuals (new and regs), and shared personal connections to the material enhance a dialogue.
Sure the music directors solidified what sides they planned to use. Sure everyone signed the liability waivers. Sure set design decisions were made.
The shift in energy changed suddenly. I took out a blue suitcase filled with all the clothing and items I could buy from the Humane Society for under 10 dollars. It was a little experiment for myself. Wow. It was far from a little experiment. It was a privilege dripping, sick to my stomach, emotion trumping logic thrift store shopping trip. Talk about intent versus impact...
Here I was, at the Humane Society, "playing" homeless. It hit me as soon as I started "shopping."
Well I need this coat for a rainy day. These pants I can cut off for summer shorts. How lucky! The one pair of men's shoes they had almost fit. Score! I must have that hoodie so I can layer. Where are the belts? It's bedazzled, but it fits.
"Are you fucking kidding, Jesse?" Raced through my mind. Over and over. I totally was playing homeless. For fun. Such a clear example of how not thinking about the oppressed is a luxury of privilege. I mean, I don't think about my mobility...until I break my leg.
The room was nearly silent as I did a fashion show of the garments I purchased. Everyone got the point.
We must use our privilege with integrity. Today. No day but today.
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